Engineering Support
The CCP network has a robust list of architects and engineers to provide support for residential, commercial, net zero, LEED and passive house designs plus the ability to sign plans throughout the US and Canada. This network is not just about ICF or concrete construction it covers ALL construction phases.
Helix assists with all the structural engineering aspects of their innovative yet well tested micro rebar steel concrete reinforcement as do Legalett, Build Block etc. That is why Core say, "Call us, we have the answers"
Core also have durable relationships with Certified Green Professionals (CGP) plus Green Roof professionals to ensure industry best practices are adhered to, and to guarantee many years of reliable and environmentally friendly service for the structure being built.
As much of the consideration in choosing a particular Green building material or system is the ease of construction, Core Construction Products also have a network of qualified trained installers throughout the US and Canada for the systems they suggest – saving time, effort and expense.
Make it happen - Call Core Construction Products for an initial consultation at 1-888-596-2399 or contact by email here.